January 9, 2010

And this is why we don't allow cats in the bedroom...

While I am a sound sleeper (I have to be with those freight train noises beside me every night), Gaby claims that he can't sleep if I am so much as reading because every time I turn a page the sound wakes him up!  As a result, before we go to bed at night, our routine includes a sweep of the bedroom to ensure that there are no cats hiding under the bed, in the closet, in the drawers or anywhere else.  Although cats don't make noise during the night, they do tend to attack toe, run across our faces or do other nefarious things that are just as disruptive to our sleep, so they are banned from the bedroom at night (except when I sneak one in to sleep under the covers with me).

Every now and then, however, one of the cats will get wise and hide INSIDE the box spring, thereby not getting caught in our pre-sleep sweep.  Believe it or not, they have managed to rip apart the batting underneath the bed and have made themselves a nice little hidey hole for just such occasions.  Last nigh, Max decided to stow away in this hideout and this morning, at 5:30am, he decided that we had slept long enough and joined us on the bed, where he made himself at home on top of Gaby.  

For some reason, they never disturb ME in the morning - maybe because I am not the one who makes anything off-limits... Now, while some people wake up full of energy and smiles, looking forward to a new day, Gaby is not one of them.  In the best of circumstances (like when he's had 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep) he wakes up grumpy and cranky and can only grunt in monosylables until he's had his cereal.  When he wakes up because a cat is sitting on his chest, licking his nose and breathing cat breath into his face... well, let's just say this is why we don't allow cats in the bedroom!

So my morning started off with stomping, cursing and doors slamming... how was yours?

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